Oct 20, 2008

List of Promotion

Britney is doing a lot of promotion lately and some fans can't keep up. If you belong to that group, this list will give you a good idea of the events and stuff that are going to happen. It's possible that some things won't happen, this is just to give you an idea.

- Photoshoot with Patrick Dermachelier.

-"Circus" Photoshoot (preview on "For The Record").

- Photoshoot for "Rolling Stone" cover.

- Photoshoot and video for "Hidden Fantasy" advertisements.

- Photoshoot with David Lachapelle.

- Photoshoot for "Glamour" (maybe the same of Patrick).

-"For The Record" on November 30th.

-"Circus" on the 2nd of December.

-"X-Factor" Performance.

- "Good Morning America" Concert.

- World Tour or U.S. Tour (confirmed).

- "European Music Awards", with 3 possibles awards.

- BritneySpears.com (videos, blog...).

- The B Line.- "Star Academy" Peformance.

- More to come any minute!

Credit: britneyslave